Small Group Interest Form
If you are interested in any of the small groups offered through Balanced Beginnings, please fill out the contact form below.
Small groups are speech language pathologist led, parent/child groups. Each group has a focus and is limited to 3 parent/child pairs per group. This allows for a more hands-on, individualized interactions and recommendations from the therapist.
Current Group Offerings:
Table Toppers Feeding Group
( Your child must be able to sit unsupported at a preschool size table)
Booster Buddies Feeding Group
(Your child relies on a booster seat or high chair during meals)
Puree Pals
(Your child is transitioning away from the bottle/breastfeeding)
AAC Social Hour
First Words
Toddler Talk
The contact form allows us to form groups based on interest, skill, and age level. If interested, it is important that you fill out the form below.

I would like to stay up-to-date on small groups being offered!